• Some Benefits to Giving Your Smile an Extra Boost
    For many individuals, autumn brings with it a number of new beginnings. Fall is the time that many people return to school, get back to the daily grind after an Read more
  • The Perks of Dairy
    We all remember hearing this: “Finish your milk, it’s good for your bones!” If you have kids of your own now, you may catch yourself repeating many of the things Read more
  • What exactly is tinnitus?
    It’s estimated that about one in every five people is affected by tinnitus, which is a ringing or noise in the ears. But tinnitus isn’t a condition in itself; it’s Read more
  • The Effects of Biting Your Nails
    Also known as onchophagia, the habit of nail biting is one of the so-called “nervous habits” that can be triggered by stress, excitement, or boredom. Approximately half of all kids Read more
  • Should Adults Continue Fluoride Treatments?
    Many adults wonder if they should continue to receive fluoride treatments. Our team at Tim M. O’Bryan DDS wants to set the record straight about the usefulness of fluoride treatment Read more
  • How do I handle my child’s dental emergency?
    Kids are active, and with lots of activity comes the potential for mishaps. Before an emergency occurs, you’d be smart to stay informed about the problems your child may encounter. Here Read more
  • The Truth about TMJ
    TMJ is the quick way of referring to your Temporomandibular Joint. Pardon the pun, but that’s quite a mouthful! What is this joint, what does it do, and, if your Read more
  • What are dental implants?
    Do you have a space where a tooth used to be? Were you born with a missing tooth? Are you getting ready for dentures? You may be a good candidate Read more
  • Periodontics and Pregnancy
    Periodontal health — which refers to the condition of the structures that support your teeth — is an important part of your oral and overall health. However, periodontal health becomes Read more
  • Summer Sports and Mouthguards
    School’s out and you’ve emptied your gym locker until next fall. But while you’re stowing away the football gear, the basketball warm-ups, the field hockey sticks, and all the other Read more
  • Understanding Cavities
    Getting a cavity seems like delayed punishment for eating that special dessert every weekend or for the few days you forgot to floss. When you are doing everything right with Read more
  • Clean Toothbrush/Healthy Toothbrush
    We’ve all learned a lot about keeping healthy lately. Thorough hand washing, disinfecting cell phones and keyboards, wiping down shopping carts and door handles—all these low-maintenance cleaning habits can have Read more
  • Questions on Dental Implants? We’ve Got You Covered.
    Whether you’ve lost a tooth from decay, are preparing for dentures, or were born with a gap where a tooth should have been, you could be a candidate for dental Read more
  • Dental Tips for Your Summer Vacation
    Summer’s here, and it’s time to enjoy a well-deserved break! But even though school’s out, please take a few minutes to learn some tips from the doctor to keep your Read more
  • Four Great Additions to Your Dental-Healthy Diet
    Calcium from dairy products for strong bones and teeth? Check. Vitamin C from fruits and vegetables for gum health? Check. Protein from lean meats, eggs, and fish to create, maintain, Read more
  • Memorial Day and Getting Ready for Summer
    Memorial Day didn't become an official holiday until 1971, but Americans started gathering annually in the spring to remember those who lost their lives in war during the 1860s, right Read more

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